Friday, June 17, 2022

Fascist time

On fascists' resistance of modernity, Shane Burley writes in the anti-fascist essay collection Why We Fight:

"Modernity is the center of the neo-fascist project, an identity set forward by Julius Evola's rejection of the 'modern world.' Evola's Traditionalism, building on the work of Rene Cuenon, posited a 'divine truth' in all spiritual paths, not just in their gods, but in their hierarchies and tyrannies. Using the Vedic Cycle of Ages, he argued that we have long slipped from the Golden Age and are now in the fourth age, the Kali Yuga, the time of dark passions and decadence. The modern world had rejected the racial purity, hierarchy, and spiritual transcendence that had existed naturally in previous generations. This modern world needed 'men against time,' as Aryan mystic Savitri Devi called them, to resist this modernity as spiritual warriors. Modernity is defined by its state of decline, a false consciousness obscuring the underlying Tradition that puts things in their place through some type of natural law. Fascism is then a distinctly modern concept, something that can only exist in this age of decadence in an effort to return to a fabled place of purity. Jeffrey Herf terms this 'reactionary modernism' the state of technological advancement, and attempts to return to the past of memory."

"By supremacy I mean the spiritual alignment that some people matter, and others do not matter...And by fascism I mean a particular expression of supremacy: a popular political movement organized around an authoritarian cult of personality and privatization of the public good, mediated through an open and explicit reverence for violence as a redeeming force, and energized by a supremacist nationalist myth of purification." — A.R. Moxon, "Bully Tactics" (December 10, 2023)

If we perceive time as focused on past and future, we prioritize a power struggle over what can be made obsolete (e.g., "when faced with ideas we disagree with, we either assign them to the past or worry that they will assign our ideas to the past"), but if we perceive time as focused on what's happening right now, we prioritize coexistence. See: Where Have All the “Isms” Gone? or, Why We Don’t We Have Art Movements In The 21st Century, Mary Rose, Mar 6, 2024

Please also read "Why Fascists Target Gender Transition". It's a 3-minute read on Medium.

a woman wearing an old-fashioned style sundress

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