Sunday, November 26, 2023

'Antisemitism in the Gothic and Jewish Horror' with Dr Mary Going (YouTube)

Antisemitism in the Gothic and Jewish Horror with Dr Mary Going. A talk for Romancing the Gothic, 2023.

She talks about antisemitic tropes in Dracula, Nosferatu, and Paul Wegener's surviving golem film.

One observation of mine

A similarity (in my view) between Jewish and transgender identity: You feel stereotyped as someone who will do "the Jewish thing" or "the transgender thing," and you want to strike forth on your own path, but you may also be inclined to hide your identity in the process because you feel some threat or because you're imitating people who have felt that threat, and maybe that survival behavior is part of the identity."

video still quoting Sean Wainsteim, maker of Demon Box: 'As a Jewish filmmaker you don't want to just make Holocaust films. That's not a thing you want to just do. I generally avoid any type of Jewish content, and I don't know if that's because of the idea of like trying to hide your identity ot survive.'

Saturday, November 11, 2023

What it looks like to interrupt a Nazi rally ('A Night at the Garden')

Marshall Curry's 7-minute documentary short, "A Night at the Garden," is on YouTube.

YouTube has age-restricted it, so you may need to go to YouTube to acknowledge the age-restriction before you can view it.

It shows a Jewish man interrupting a Nazi rally in New York's Madison Square Garden in 1939.

Learn more at

By the way... "Who Paid For Millions of Fascist Pamphlets in the US in 1940?" Nazi Germany did, explained in ‘Prequel’ by Rachel Maddow. It's a 7-minute read on Medium. I've unpaywalled the link for you.

Train tracks at the Birkenau camp